We want to assure you that providing your card information to The Sapience is safe and secure. By authorizing us to use your card, you enable us to offer a seamless and convenient payment experience for services like subscription fees, drop-in sessions, and additional educational services. Your card information will be handled with the highest level of confidentiality and security, strictly used for authorized purposes, and will not be shared with any third parties except as required by law.
If a transaction is declined, we will promptly notify you and ask that you update your card information at www.thesapience.com/card-authorization within 2 calendar days. Should your card information change, please notify us as soon as possible. Our aim is to make this process as smooth and worry-free as possible for you.
By signing below, I confirm that I have been trained in and fully understand The Sapience LLC's Card Authorization Policy as detailed at www.thesapience.com/policy.